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Club members are reminded to visit David Lucke's Fresh Food Market in Bairnsdale and show your Luckes Rewards Tag.  The $20 loyalty Rewards Cheques we receive are certainly helping the coffers of the N.M.S.C


Radio Waves Magazine

For the latest edition of  ARYA Radio Waves

Click Here


NMSC Race under the 10 standard International Model Yacht Racing rules and have since 2004

For Rules Click Here

But we must race in a Friendly way, showing respect and good manners to all fellow sailors and to give advice and assistance re- rules etc when required especially to novice sailors


Nicholson Model Sailing Club Platform Upgrade 2018

Two views of our new platform for more comfortable racing in 2018 onwards.

Thanks to East Gippsland Shire Council for all your work done in 2018 to increase the width, depth, surface and seat boxes.



ABOUT Nicholson Model Sailing Club (inc 2005)

or read History of NMSC here by Bob Moore

The NMSC is a club of very active members whose aims are to promote the hobby of constructing and the sport of racing radio controlled yachts. We sail in the Nicholson River at NICHOLSON in (East Gippsland) Victoria. AUSTRALIA (at the car park) on usually, the 2nd and the 4th Saturdays of the month starting at 11:00 am (Check Calendar ).

New members will be made most welcome and any member of the public who would like to try this great sport can come and have a sail with us at any time

All classes of yachts are most welcome to race with our Club. The most popular class yacht sailed at the NMSC is the International One Metre (I.O.M) which is the most popular class in Australia and the World. The International.One.Metre (IOM) is the fostered class of the Nicholson Model Sailing Club.

Members also sail two locally designed yachts the  "One Point Five" class and a smaller yacht called the" Budgie" which uses IOM sails and can compete quite well against most IOM`s

About half of our Racing is Handicap Racing using the RYG 10 rule system in 2 divisions which works very well and our other racing is usually Pennant racing in 2 Divisions. 

"A" Division includes IOM`s and "Budgies"

"B" Division includes all other Classes

We also encourage Members to construct other types of Radio Controlled Sailing Craft with many fine examples of Steam Boats Paddle Steamers Schooners, Ketches etc

Applicants for membership to NMSC are invited to come along and join in our activities for at least 3 sailing days so they can be introduced to and made welcome by our members 

Members of other Clubs who are members of the VRYA are most welcome to sail with us. Members of the public who have a boat and would like to sail with us to see if they would like to join our club may sail with us for 4 Sailing Days, provided they sign our Visitors Book (For public liability Insurance cover).
A $50.00 annual subscription, 
along with a one-off joining fee of $50.00 is required and all sailing members pay $3 each per sailing day.

Visit "New Sailors " Page

 Membership Application Form

Click Here Ms Word

Click Here PDF

Membership Renewal Form on "Members" Page

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NMSC Slide Show



Thank You for storing our Club Trailer - Nicholson Boat Storage

Adjacent to the Nicholson River Boat Ramp. 


Contact:  Laurie & Blanch Miles

(03) 5156 8323